
VGR : Visual Graph Requestor

A graphical SPARQL interface

Copyright © 2011 StrixDB. Freely available under the terms of the StrixDB license.


VGR is a windows application in the look-and-feel of Microsoft Office(c).

VGR offers the different layout to display graphs :

  • classical force directed or energy based layout (2 variants)
  • hierarchical layout (find the major tree). This layout is the best suited for tree (or forest) but could be used for all graphs,
  • orthogonal layout (very rare, a real avantage of VGR). This layout is the best readable but limited to small graphs (nodes<800),
  •  classical circular layout,
  • 3D layout.


Download and installation

Download the executable (no dependencies) from http://opoirel.free.fr/strixDB/download.html , place the unzipped executable where you want.

VGR could use every SPARQL/Protocol compliant RDFstore (but specially designed for StrixDB  RDF store).

Launch the executable. A prompt window will ask you for a RDFstore HTTP address... Give it and envoy !


  • 2011-03-02    Initial release

Interface Introduction

The different components of the interface are :

  • Tabbed views (1) with graphs layout.
  • A ribbon bar in the look-and feel of Microsoft Office (2). Three bars are available :
    • Home bar to change the layout  and offers common actions;
    • Exploration bar to navigate and explore the graph ;
    • Style Bar to change colors, line styles, etc... of the layout.
  • the catalog panel (3) (similar to file tree in a Windows explorer). It is organized in :
    • a catalog of all graphs available in the RDFstore,
    • a catalog of SPARQL forms.
    • a catalog of requests
    • a catalog of layout styles.
    • a catalog of all the Datalog rules set available in the RDFstore (StrixDB RDFstore specificity).
  • the request panel  (4) used to edit SPARQL requests and instanciate SPARQL templates.
  • the floating minimap  (5) to navigate inside the graph layout (1).

SPARQL forms

The idea behind SPARQL forms is to request the RDF store using a form instead of SPARQL queries.

An example is more telling that many explanations :

Suppose that you commonly want to request graphs with an object string literal constrained by a string matching (a regex) and with subject  having some type. In SPARQL, you have to write the following request for each query :

CONSTRUCT {?subject ?predicate ?val}
FROM ...some graph...
    ?subject ?predicate ?val.
    ?subject a ...some type....
    FILTER ( regex(?val, ...some pattern... ))

We have to notice that :

  • such a simple request could be hard to build for a SPARQL rookie.
  • it could be cumbersome to write all the time quite the same SPARQL request, just changing the FROM url, the type and the string pattern.
  • this could be quite impossible to do for lots of end users.

VGR offers help to build and use the following form to make the requests :

We will show how to build the following

Layout styles/h2>