
Turtle compliance
XML/RDF compliance
SPARQL 1.0 compliance
SPARQL/Update 1.0 compliance
SPARQL 1.1 compliance
SPARQL/Update 1.1 compliance


  1. negation in Datalog Rules

SPARQL 1.0 compliance

+ StrixDB supports UNION and GRAPH.
- Literal comparisons with promotion works only between native types ( xsd:string, xsd:integer, xsd:double, xsd:boolean, xsd:decimal and xsd:dateTime).
- SELECT DISTINCT and SELECT REDUCED return the same (distinct) results.
- regex function uses the pcre librairy

Currently testing SPARQL compliance with the DAWG Testcases.


RDF/turtle compliance use the w3c Turtle Test Suite.

The test files and an evaluation script is could be downloaded : turtle_compliance.zip 

With  StrixStrore  0.9 we get a failure on test n°28 (see result). StrixStore seems to have problems with xsd:decimal but the test in Turtle Test Suite seems to have errors or ambiguity.


XML/RDF compliance use the w3c RDF test suite (mirrored test case examples available in download page). The tests use the Lua script xml_rdf_compliance.lua.

Script explanation (assuming you have the test case files in local).

  1. Retrieving of all RDF/XML files recursively in the directory with webGet.dirent
  2. for each file
    1. Import the RDF/XML file into the RDF store.
    2. if file is an error file (approved error) and parsing as failed take next file.
    3. if file is not an error file and has a RDF/Triples counterpart, load the triples.
    4. in StrixDB, parsers take as default base the graph URI. Graph are indexed with graph URI (and the index is unique). For this reasons, the graph loaded in RDF/XML and the graph loaded in RDF/Turtle must have a different URI.
      Before comparison, we must change relocate some resources with the function rdf.graph.relocate .
    5. stored graph comparison with the function rdf.graph.equal (this function try to find a graph homomorphism for all triples using blank nodes).

Results are here.

Only one difference in the graph http://www.w3.org/2000/10/rdf-tests/rdfcore/RDF-samples/example09.rdf (difference in handling newlines in XMLLiterals).

SPARQL/Update 1.0 compliance

Lack of SPARQL test suite (it's not our job to do that). But we will soon release our unitary development test suite (based on Lua scripts).

SPARQL 1.1 compliance

Out of current scope (See FAQ).

SPARQL/Update 1.1 compliance

Out of current scope (See FAQ).